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  • Help! Fairies Have Taken Over My Life

Help! Fairies Have Taken Over My Life

Around a little over two years ago, these colorfully flamboyant books kept catching my eye while at Barnes & Noble. The draw was magnetic. I physically couldn’t walk away. Then I would read the description and feel disappointed. Fairies. Books about fairies. The only thing I could attempt to imagine was Tinker Bell (and my unrelenting hatred for her). I just couldn’t do it.

Now you need to understand, I was already and still am a FANTASY girl. I love adventure, battles and unique magic systems with a little romance as the cherry on top. I grew up on the likes of Tolkien, Rowling, Lewis and so many others and their complex worlds, yet fairies are where I drew the line. Finally, one day the dam broke, and my hesitant fears washed away as I threw out a ‘Why the hell not?’. I bought only the first for the sake of not wasting too much money in case I hated it, and by 4 AM that next morning I was ready to put my head in a hole from the shame of not buying the whole series. I was DONE FOR. High Fae had fully taken over my life.

I needed to vent. To scream and yell to anyone who would listen who had read these books. The only problem was I knew no one who had. So, I set out on a mission. One very personal to me. In fact, it took me over a year to get one editor of this lovely newsletter to even give them a go (Claudia, I am talking to you). I’m not sure there have been many days we haven’t had in-depth conversations about these overly attractive characters that are near and dear to our hearts.

Maybe it was the pregnancy induced hormones, or maybe it was just the queen herself, Sarah J. Maas, sinking her claws in so far that she may never leave. Two years and sixteen books later, she still hasn’t let me off my leash and I have fully fallen into the fantasy realm of the Fae.

This is not a place for the faint of heart. If you have a life that is dear to you, maybe consider not reading these books. You probably won’t have much of one after you start. You will however find a world with legions of dedicated fans who are more than happy to become a friendly face and some of the coolest, most well-developed characters to be written (This is me begging you to give Throne of Glass a chance).

I also would like to clarify that not all these books will be winners. You will dip your toes in stories that are asinine and to be frank, not that good. My advice would be to just keep going. Trust the process. Believe that the next one will be it and for the love of everything, if you start down this road, start with Sarah J. Maas.

So come on in. The water feels great. What is the worst thing that can happen? You fall in love with a fictional character that has wings? Good for you. Then maybe the next time you are in your favorite bookstore and see someone contemplating their mental state for wanting to read about fairies, give them a push in the fun and sexy direction that that is the fae.

Yours truly,



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